
Every day you have a choice...To live a better, healthier, happier life!
— Anita Bae

The commitment to fitness comes in all different shapes and sizes.  HIIT * BARRE accommodates all levels of fitness to achieve an overall healthier, fitter, happier you!  The mind-body connection is the key. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to make the mental commitment to exercise  -- but once you do, you will never regret it.  Exercise not only helps you de-stress but it also boosts your memory and cognitive functioning.

Both our HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and BARRE classes will give you a great full-body workout that will burn calories sculpt muscles, build endurance and improve flexibility and balance.  

Come check out our HIIT, Barre, Cardio-Barre, Strength, Barre-Bounce or HIIT-Bounce! 

  • Battle Ropes & Pulleys

  • Suspended Ropes

  • Barbells & Bumper Plates


  • Free Weights

  • Yoga Mats & Blocks

  • Step Benches